LeRoy B. Beasley1, Sang-Gu Lee2 §, Han-Guk Seol3
1Department of Mathematics and StatisticsUtah State University
Logan, UT 84322-3900, USA
e-mail: lbeasley@math.usu.edu
2,3Department of Mathematics
College of Science
Sung Kyun Kwan University
Suwon 440-740, SOUTH KOREA
2e-mail: sglee@math.skku.ac.kr
3e-mail: shk@math.skku.ac.kr
Abstract: A real nonsingular n × n matrix A = (aij) is called centrogonal if
A−1 = (an+1−i,n+1−j), it is called principally centrogonal if all leading principal
submatrices of A are centrogonal, and it is called inverse principally centrogonal
if A−1 is principally centrogonal. We give a necessary and sufficient condition
for a principally centrogonal matrix to be an inverse principally centrogonal